Welcome to White Label Broker

At White Label Broker, we understand that as a real estate broker, your time is invaluable. That’s why we offer a comprehensive broker concierge service designed to be your all-in-one business partner. We go above and beyond to provide unparalleled support, taking care of the essential tasks that often consume your precious hours. With our expertise and dedication, you can focus on what you do best: building relationships and closing deals. We are currently accepting North Carolina based, eXp Realty agents.

Here are just a few of the ways our Broker Concierge Service can revolutionize your business:

Transaction Management

At White Label Broker, we proactively manage your transactions from beginning to end in order to identify and address any potential challenges before they escalate into issues. Our vigilant approach allows us to swiftly resolve any obstacles, ensuring a seamless and stress-free experience for both you and your clients.

Transaction Coordination

Our dedicated transaction coordinators are experts in managing the intricate details of real estate transactions. From contract to closing, we handle the paperwork, deadlines, and communication, ensuring a smooth and efficient process. You can rely on us to keep everything on track, allowing you to focus on delivering exceptional service to your clients.

Closing Coordination

When it’s time for the closing appointment, we step in to facilitate the process. From ordering and delivering closing gifts to coordinating all necessary paperwork, we ensure that the closing goes smoothly, leaving a lasting positive impression on your clients.

Showcasing Homes

As your trusted partner, we take on the responsibility of showing homes to potential buyers. Our experienced team ensures that each showing is conducted professionally, highlighting the unique features and benefits of each property. By entrusting us with this task, you can focus on generating leads and negotiating offers with confidence.

Vendor Appointment Scheduling

Coordinating vendor appointments can be time-consuming and hectic. Leave it to us. We’ll schedule and show up for vendor appointments on your behalf, ensuring that inspections, repairs, and other necessary services are handled seamlessly. You can rest easy knowing that your clients’ needs are being taken care of promptly and professionally.

Client Communication

We act as your trusted assistant, communicating with your clients on your behalf. From answering inquiries to providing updates, we ensure that your clients are well-informed and supported throughout the entire buying or selling process. By maintaining open lines of communication, we enhance client satisfaction and reinforce your professional image.

Earnest Money and Due Diligence Coordination

We take the burden off your shoulders by coordinating earnest money and due diligence deliveries. Our meticulous approach ensures that these critical aspects of the transaction are handled promptly and accurately, safeguarding your clients’ interests and minimizing any potential issues.

Follow-Up and Encouragement

Our commitment doesn’t end with the sale. We understand the value of nurturing client relationships for future referrals and repeat business. That’s why we send follow-up emails at set intervals after the sale is complete, checking in with your clients and encouraging them to share their positive experience with others.

Partnering with White Label Broker means gaining a dedicated team that acts as your extended support system. We take care of the crucial behind-the-scenes tasks, allowing you to focus on growing your business and delivering exceptional service to your clients.

Discover the freedom and peace of mind that comes with our Broker Concierge Service. Join forces with White Label Broker today and experience the difference of having a reliable, all-in-one business partner by your side.

Save Time and Boost Efficiency

Our expert team handles paperwork, transaction coordination, and appointment scheduling, allowing you to focus on what you do best: closing deals and serving your clients. With our support, you’ll reclaim precious hours in your day and experience newfound productivity.

Elevate Client Communication

We act as your trusted assistant, communicating with clients on your behalf, answering inquiries, and providing updates throughout the buying or selling process. With our professional touch, you’ll strengthen client relationships and maintain a polished, responsive image.

Ensure Smooth Transactions

Our dedicated coordinators handle paperwork, deadlines, and communication, ensuring a smooth and efficient process. With our attention to detail and industry knowledge, you can trust that your transactions are in capable hands, minimizing issues and maximizing client satisfaction.

Hey there! I’m Mackenzie Davis, and I’m the founder of White Label Broker. As a former real estate broker myself, I’ve been in your shoes and understand the challenges you face. I started White Label Broker because I saw a significant need in the market for professional assistance in growing our businesses

I experienced firsthand how the non-revenue generating activities, like endless showings, paperwork, vendor coordination, and client communication, consumed my time and left little room for actual business growth. It was as if I was merely surviving each transaction, feeling burnt out and lacking balance.

I craved more. More balance, more money, and more time. This burnout became a catalyst for change, leading me to realize that there had to be a better way. That’s when White Label Broker was born.

My vision for White Label Broker is to serve as a true partner to real estate brokers who want to excel in their businesses. I understand the importance of having more time to focus on what truly matters – building relationships, closing deals, and expanding our businesses.

With White Label Broker, I aim to provide the comprehensive support and assistance that brokers need to reclaim their time and achieve greater success. Our services are designed to free you from the burdensome administrative and operational tasks so you can focus on what you love and grow your business with ease.

I’m here to help you strike a better balance, increase your income, and create a thriving real estate business. Let’s join forces and make your dreams a reality with White Label Broker by your side.